Discover my art.

Matt Jupiter

I have always had a creative streak. I just had to decide how to channel it. My interest in photography soon developed into a passion for painting.

I love creating colourful and exciting paintings, exploring the creative potential of different mark making tools, surfaces and paints.

My Life

Having been brought up in a small village surrounded by rolling hills in Wiltshire in the UK, I moved to study at the University of Birmingham. Living in a big city was a huge contrast to my rural upbringing.

After graduating, the travel bug gripped me and I embarked on a trip from London to Kathmandu. En route I met my wife to be and we carried on travelling together, circumnavigating the world. Wherever I was in the world I looked for inspiration; whether it was from the unique nature of my surroundings, or the people, buildings and culture of the country I was in.

After marriage and the birth of two boys, I turned my hand to portraiture. I wanted to capture those precious moments of my sons growing up. What better way than drawing and painting them?


After spending years painting in oils, I now prefer the creative potential that acrylic paints provide; quick drying and flexible, they are ideal paints to experiment with and push your creative boundaries.

Today, I often paint still lifes featuring flowers and other familiar objects.

Flowers bring joy to everyone. They are so varied, with so many different wonderful shapes and colours that they are the perfect subject for an artist who wants to experiment and push themselves to create original, beautiful images.

Still lifes give an artist the freedom to put shapes, colours and tones together any way they want to create vivid, eye-catching compositions.


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